[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Referrers]

Monthly Statistics for February 2024
Total Hits 2550
Total Files 2028
Total Health Pages Presented 1446
Total Patient Visits 1086
Total KBytes 42863
Total Unique Health Sources 416
Total Unique Health Site URLs 438
Total Unique Referrers 72

Daily usage for February 2024

Hourly usage for February 2024

Top 30 of 438 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 881 34.55% 12359 28.83% /drug_encyclopedia/drugsearch_results.php
2 125 4.90% 1956 4.56% /
3 74 2.90% 6303 14.71% /drug_encyclopedia/
4 27 1.06% 390 0.91% /staff/
5 17 0.67% 246 0.57% /feedback.php
6 14 0.55% 173 0.40% /comthanks.php
7 13 0.51% 195 0.46% /health_careers.dirs
8 11 0.43% 149 0.35% /cold_and_flu.top
9 11 0.43% 464 1.08% /terms.php
10 11 0.43% 409 0.95% /topsite.list
11 10 0.39% 156 0.36% /eye_health.top
12 10 0.39% 184 0.43% /health_calculators.dirs
13 10 0.39% 154 0.36% /health_news.dirs
14 10 0.39% 145 0.34% /sports_medicine.dirs
15 10 0.39% 156 0.36% /vitamins.dirs
16 9 0.35% 174 0.41% /corporate/emps/andrews.php
17 8 0.31% 119 0.28% /allergy.top
18 8 0.31% 140 0.33% /cancer.top
19 8 0.31% 119 0.28% /childrens_health.top
20 8 0.31% 688 1.60% /encyclopedia/
21 8 0.31% 145 0.34% /health_chat.dirs
22 8 0.31% 116 0.27% /online_drugstores.dirs
23 8 0.31% 185 0.43% /privacy.php
24 8 0.31% 118 0.27% /sexual_health.top
25 7 0.27% 104 0.24% /asthma.top
26 7 0.27% 111 0.26% /dental_health.top
27 7 0.27% 121 0.28% /diabetes.top
28 7 0.27% 123 0.29% /exercises.dirs
29 7 0.27% 114 0.27% /mental_health.top
30 7 0.27% 129 0.30% /multimedia.list

Top 10 of 438 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 881 34.55% 12359 28.83% /drug_encyclopedia/drugsearch_results.php
2 74 2.90% 6303 14.71% /drug_encyclopedia/
3 125 4.90% 1956 4.56% /
4 8 0.31% 688 1.60% /encyclopedia/
5 11 0.43% 464 1.08% /terms.php
6 11 0.43% 409 0.95% /topsite.list
7 27 1.06% 390 0.91% /staff/
8 3 0.12% 277 0.65% /encyclopedia/encyclopedia_C-Cm.php
9 3 0.12% 249 0.58% /encyclopedia/encyclopedia_Cn-Cz.php
10 17 0.67% 246 0.57% /feedback.php

Top 10 of 52 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Patient Visits URL
1 881 34.55% 639 64.68% /drug_encyclopedia/drugsearch_results.php
2 125 4.90% 115 11.64% /
3 74 2.90% 69 6.98% /drug_encyclopedia/
4 27 1.06% 25 2.53% /staff/
5 17 0.67% 16 1.62% /feedback.php
6 14 0.55% 14 1.42% /comthanks.php
7 8 0.31% 8 0.81% /encyclopedia/
8 11 0.43% 7 0.71% /terms.php
9 6 0.24% 5 0.51% /badlinks.php
10 5 0.20% 4 0.40% /addurl.php

Top 30 of 72 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 2383 93.45% - (Direct Request)
2 24 0.94% https://www.howardfasthealth.com/online_drugstores.dirs
3 18 0.71% binance.com
4 14 0.55% http://www.fasthealth.com/email/formmail.php
5 9 0.35% https://www.cherrycountyhospital.org/getpage.php
6 7 0.27% https://www.howardfasthealth.com/childrens_health.top
7 6 0.24% http://howardfasthealth.com
8 4 0.16% http://www.howardfasthealth.com/
9 3 0.12% http://howardfasthealth.com/
10 3 0.12% http://howardfasthealth.com/wp-content/plugins/backup-backup/includes/backup-heart.php
11 2 0.08% howardfasthealth.com
12 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com//wp-includes/random_compat/about.php
13 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/c.php
14 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/chosen.php
15 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/cjfuns .php
16 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/cjfuns.php
17 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/install.php
18 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/ioxi02.php
19 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/text.php
20 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/wp-admin/network/amaxx.php
21 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/wp-admin/user/about.php
22 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/wp-content/plugins/core-plugin/nxd.php
23 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/wp-includes/theme-compat/wp-conflg.php
24 2 0.08% http://howardfasthealth.com/wp-info.php
25 2 0.08% https://www.howardfasthealth.com/health_chat.dirs
26 2 0.08% https://www.howardfasthealth.com/multimedia.list
27 2 0.08% https://www.howardfasthealth.com/your_weather.dirs
28 1 0.04% http://howardfasthealth.com/.well-known/pki-validation/about.php
29 1 0.04% http://howardfasthealth.com/.well-known/wso112233.php
30 1 0.04% http://howardfasthealth.com//wp-head.php

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01